About Dr. Jen Frahm

Who is Dr Jen Frahm?

Dr Jen Frahm

I’ve had a ‘snakes and ladders’ career with experience in small business, large corporations, government and NGOs. My past as an academic brings integrity and rigour to the work I do. My enthusiasm for delivery and future readiness meant academia was a short stint. My current is the epitome of a portfolio career, and I don’t take it for granted!

Keynote Speaker

I am a sought out speaker on the topics of change leadership, change management, business agility, the future of work, and modern leadership.


I'm the co-founder of the Agile Change Leadership Institute, a training and development company. We build capability and confidence in leading and delivering change in a fast-moving, uncertain world. We’re now in 67 countries, have 14000+ students through our doors, and benefiting 124 companies.

I’ve also developed the Busting Silos program with Melissa Dark for better collaboration inside and out of the organisation.


I’ve now written three books, and over 200 blog posts, articles & whitepapers. I’m lucky to love writing and usually have something to say!

Interim change director / lead

People sometimes engage me to design change well, build capability with leadership teams around change, be a ‘pinch hitter’ and fill short term change lead gaps, sometimes longer contracts. I’m big on trauma informed, compassionate practice and positive psychology as an approach, a committed agnostic with respect to methodology. I remediate problem change initiatives and help set up new change practices.

Outside of work

I find joy in playing with paint and charcoal and cooking for friends. I top up with walks in the bush.

You’re welcome to follow me on Instagram! (@jenfrahm)

Why do I do what I do?

I grew up in a household with a mother who was a successful science fiction writer, and a father who was a serial entrepreneur. I was immersed in conversations of disruptive change and opportunity. Fast forward and in the first 10 years of my work life I worked for 13 companies. I was subjected to relentless change and the control freak within did not like it. My superpower in creating stability was flexibility and adaptability.

I hacked the system by becoming an organisational change manager so I was the one introducing the change not receiving the changes. My recall of the stress and pressure of that time of constant mergers and acquisitions, downsizings, and working in businesses that could not change is visceral. I never want my clients to feel that – I want every leader to feel in control, confident and calm when it comes to disruptive change.

More about me…
