#ChangeChat with Joanne Rinaldi

For those in the Australian Change Management Community, Joanne Rinaldi is no stranger. A long history of high impact change work, she is now leading the charge of change management accreditation with Prosci with Being Human. Off the back of the recent Global Prosci Best Practices in Change Management Benchmarking report we sat down and talked research, accreditation, the value of methodologies (and not!) and the future of change.   https://audio.simplecast.com/763be7c3.mp3Topics covered:

  • How did Joanne get into change?
  • The 2016 Prosci Best Practices in Change Management Benchmark Report 
  • The key findings and 'so what?'
  • How do you engage with senior stakeholders?
  • What are the future trends in change management we should be mindful of?
  • What is the role of accreditation in change management?
  • What is the value of methodology?
  • What does Joanne see as emerging capabilities for the change community?
  • What do the listeners think about next week with regards to change in the workplace?



What Wonder Woman can teach us about Change Management (2)


What Wonder Woman can teach us about change management (1)