How do you start a conversation of change?

How do you start a Conversation of Change? When lunching with a colleague last week, we discussed the difficult conversations we sometimes have to have regarding performance. She was relating what she said and her approach and I was thinking about how it differed to a conversation of change. And so she asked me - well how do you start a conversation of change?I find it useful to think about what you want to use a conversation of change it to:

  • Test an assumption?
  • Explore a possibility?
  • Identify a gap?

Whether it is at a personal level, a team level or a organisational level there are a number of phrases that can start and sustain a conversation of change.

  • What if?
  • Why is that?
  • How would things be different if...
  • Tell me more...

Not all conversations are easy ones to have. If the conversation is anticipated to be a difficult one then it helps to take stock before the conversation and ensure that you:

  • are coming from a position of mutual respect,
  • have a positive intent behind the conversation and
  • retain a spirit of inquiry.

I am  influenced by the work of David Bohm, Peter Senge and Chris Argryis in this regard. But I would love to hear from you about the phrases that you find helpful in a conversation of change? Do share...


Change Agents v Change Managers


Demonstrating the value of change management : Part Two