So you want to know how to get into change management?

Update! Now taking bookings for a 2 hour career change webinar - together we build your own personalised change roadmap for getting into the change management field. Contact me for more details. Over the last decade we’ve certainly seen some increase in organisations understanding they have to get better at change management. With this growth in awareness comes increased exposure for those not working in change management to people with the titles of change leads, change manager, change analyst, change communications officer.In 2010, the question I got the most was - how can I learn more?  Now the question is: how do I get a job in change management?   So in the spirit of building a community of quality change management folks, here’s my .02 AUD

  1. You’re going to need knowledge, skills and attitude. How do you rate on all three?
  2. Do a change management stock take – what are your particular strengths and skills that will add value to you a change management project or a change management problem?
  3. Think about where you are best positioned - should it be a sideways step into the same industry? Does your background lend itself to a particular type of change?
  4. Can you take your existing background and translate it in change jargon? How proficient are you in speaking the language of change and then explaining things in common sense language.
  5. Think about what is the best level to pitch yourself at – if you want to be positioning as an experienced change manager, I’d say you need to tick off at least 7 of these 10 requirements. Otherwise, think about change analyst, or junior change manager roles. Hint – CMI can be very useful in understanding the requirements of an entry level change manager
  6. Make time to see the specialised change management recruiters – in the Australian market try Ampersand, Allegra, Cubic Consulting, Momentum Search, ChangeWorks Consulting and SHK . Run your resume past them and get their thoughts on how you would fit in their client roles.
  7. Spend some time trawling through the change management roles on SEEK – what do they have in common and how do they differ? What don’t you have that you would need to feel confident applying?
  8. Consider some of the change management accreditations or memberships – PCI, PROSCI, CMI or or one of the APMG providers. By themselves, none will make you a good change manager. You need experience for that, but they will help you make it through a screening process that filters for accreditation. They will also give you confidence with a model to use and support from the vendors and your cohort who do the courses as well.
  9. Use your non-change management network. People “buy” off people they like and trust. You may find it easier to land a change management role with some-one you have worked with before, because they trust you. When you have clarity on what you can offer then reach out to your network and let them know of your intentions and how they can help.

But on behalf of all the experienced practitioners and recruiters who have freely given of their time and thoughts on how to help you into the next role: reciprocate

  • Give referrals to the recruiters who were nice to you and showed you the way
  • Recommend the experienced practitioners who helped you to your network – pass on leads if you hear of them for contracting, consulting and permanent roles.
  • If you are out of your depth – ask for help. We’d rather that than the profession get a bad name.
  • Put some time into volunteering for the community: eg IABC, CMI, the Change Management Professionals. You gotta give to get!



If not change, then what?


Disruptive change?