#ChangeChat with Theresa Moulton

The disclaimer - Australians are terrible with shortening people's names without asking, very lazy elocution. Theresa very gracefully coped with me shortening her name to Therese through out... She's a good woman!      http://audio.simplecast.com/41500.mp3 Theresa's LinkedIn profileThe Change Management Review6.40 Judge and jury of the Change Management profession or facilitator of knowledge?8.50 What does the background of change management consultant bring to entrepreneurial start ups?11.45 Theresa's experience with ACMP16.25 Advice to those starting out?- Do some soul searching on what kind of impact do you want to have it in the world- If it's change management, pay attention to soft skills that you need to do it well, and the tools and applications that you learn as you go along. You won't have impact if you don't have the soft skills.


#SHOC with Bill Braun


#SHOC with Bronte Jackson