#SHOC with Bill Braun

This week we have a 8 minute Sharp Hit of Change* (#SHOC) with Bill BraunYou can find Bill on LinkedIn If you ever wondered what change practitioners do after they retire, then this podcast is for you.     http://audio.simplecast.com/43114.mp3 Bill Braun and I met when co-managers of the Organisational Change Practitioners group on Linkedin.The No-One Dies Alone program Bill volunteers with.Skills that are transferrable post organisational change:Deep listening Good questionsPeter Block's attributes of powerful questions

  • Personal
  • Vague
  • Anxiety provoking

In retrospect ...My effectiveness would have been better as a change practitioner for deep listening and asking powerful questions.The learning continues! 

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* Hat-tip to Kym De Lany for the name SHOC!

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