#ChangeChat with Paul Thoresen

This week I chat with Paul Thoresen on the world of I/O Psychology and the intersection of organisational change.You can find Paul Thoresen on Linkedin or Twitter as @surveyguy2For those confused - Industrial / Organisational Psychology is the same name as workplace psychology / organisational psychology   http://audio.simplecast.com/44461.mp3  #siopchat on twitter is the chat referred to!Where does big data sit in IO Psych and Org Change?Lot of talk about it, we need to get in front of it, potential for machine learning, and artificial intelligence in use in employee engagement.**Big debates in the space**• Annual performance reviews – continuous or once a year.• IQ / EQ and personality types – how important are they?• What’s the right combination of top down / bottom up engagement.**Latest issues in the space:**• Organisations need to bring in change managers early in the design, not after decisions are made• Even if decisions are made, there are still opportunities to provide employees’s ownership so change is done with them, not to them.• Are we trying to change the hearts and minds or just change behaviour.Latest on the scene is behavioural economic and nudges, see “Nudge” by Thaler and Sunstein and “Thinking, fast and slow” by KahnemanPathway into I/O Psych – masters or PhD. PhDs are not necessarily academic.Paul got into the field from counselling – still using psychology, but in a different wayPaul’s view on social media – "ten years I didn’t have a social media presence", but volunteer roles in local OD group meant he had to get immersed in. He’s sees benefit with the curation of content and continue professional development.Paul is speaking later on leveraging social media for learning at ATD-GTCFurther development?Society for Industrial Organizational PsychologySIOP.orgSocial media – contact Paul on twitter.


Want change? Act now.


#SHOC with Bill Braun