In service of the change management community and profession

Some of you know I have been working behind the scenes as a community manager in the LinkedIn group Organisational Change Practitioners along with Gail Severini, Bill Braun and the group founder, Luc Galoppin. The group is now close to 35,000 members and a diverse group of people who work in change management or have a strong interest in change management.It's somewhat unusual for a LinkedIn group in that it is fully moderated. The four of us review every submission for applicability to the group rules and delete inappropriate posts. We also reach out to a number of the people submitting posts with suggestions on how to improve the discussion topic so that it will be published. In many cases all it takes is a little tailoring to the central focus of the group: change management.We have been working some pretty long hours in the last three months in developing a set of guidelines, curators notes, and a strategy for the group. There have been many many discussions on all things community, interpretation, dialogue and of course the profession. This has culminated in the launch of a Strategy Declaration video. are three core strategy declarations:

1. We are community

2. We are in service to our profession

3. We connect locally

There will be more changes (improvements) / evolutions coming down the pipeline and we are keen to see further engagement.Tell me, what do these declarations mean to you? I would really like to know. If you are an online community manager - how do you drive engagement?


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