Reverse Engineering a Change Manager

So some of you may have seen last week's post "How do you identify a "real" change manager"? After posting the blog post in a large Linkedin Group (Organisational Change Practitioners), it drew a lot of discussion and comments - and the post has been updated with additional comments.It is of course an inflammatory question -- it implies that there are people out in practice using the term when they shouldn't be.  My personal position is I am uncomfortable with the term 'real' change manager, but it is a term that resonates with clients. I understand their frustration and not knowing what to look for in getting help with change. As uncomfortable as I am with the term, I would rather be active in assisting the clients and organisations with identification of people who will do a a very good job as a change manager than avoiding a difficult conversation that may inflame.Anyway, there has been a wealth of comments and debate on the post on linkedin. One particular comment was particularly insightful  -- it was the reverse engineer of the question - What an Organisational Change Manager is Not! I have reposted here with permission from the author, another experienced change management practitioner, Scott Githens. Thank you Scott. 

What an Organisational Change Manager is not!

 1. Project Manager / Program Manager - though OCM Managers should have experience and expertise in this area as it supports their ability to drive results in a project environment2. Line Manager - As you point out in your blog Jennifer, most OCM Managers do not have line backgrounds - however those few that do I find provide a level of contextual richness and pragmatism that does help improve their effectiveness3. Functional SME - OCM Managers are not single functional experts. They may have come up through one or multiple functions, but have developed a broader context and expertise. Also worth pointing out that HR is not OCM and being a HR professional does not in itself equip one to be an OCM Manager4. OCM/OB/Psych SME - OCM Managers often have this background, however in itself this background is not enough"True" OCM Managers are those professionals who have a blend of business acumen, hard nosed project management and delivery skills, deep knowledge of change models (and the wisdom to use or switch to the right models) as well as the breadth and depth of experience honed over extensive years of "walking the talk". They are the rare breed that can blend the logical with the emotional to drive sustainable improvement. I loved it. Your thoughts?


Lessons learned from a Change Management Professionals meetup


How do you identify a “real” change manager?