Lessons learned from a Change Management Professionals meetup

When change folk get together you can learn a lot. This was the case of one meetup of the Change Management Professionals (a Melbourne based community of practice, started in 2008).We had a particularly insightful ice-breaker. The group broke into pairs – with one half of the pair having more than five years in the profession and the other less than five years.The one with more experience had to share “What I wish I knew when I started [about change, communication and engagement]” and the “newbie” had to share what they thought it was that they needed to get to the next level.I suspect the ice-breaker may have lasted as long as the main discussion – but didn’t it generate some insights!Here’s the list ...in some ways they're like bookends! 

What I think I need to know to get to the next level

  1. How to get buy in from the top
  2. How to move strategy to a practical implementation
  3. How to articulate value
  4. How to trust my gut
  5. How to get the team on board
  6. How is the project owner’s risks and issues different to the stakeholder risks and issues
  7. How to influence
  8. Understanding power (eg structural versus political)
  9. How do people like to be communicates to about change
  10. 10. How is engagement different from communication

And from the other end …

What I wish I knew at the beginning that I know now

  1. You need buy in from the top
  2. Find a friend to help you understand
  3. Create your own communications channels
  4. Engagement is different to communications
  5. You will continue to be surprised
  6. It’s not about “me”
  7.  You need to identify who has influence
  8. There needs to be a strong business case and change driver
  9. You don’t need ‘hearts and minds’, just commitment
  10. Document everything – metrics
  11. Written communications has its limitations (info overload with multiple channels
  12. There are two kinds of communications – stakeholder and end0users
  13. Senior Leaders need to be onboard with engagement strategy
  14.  Everyone is learning together

 And to you – what would you add to either list? Share in the comments. I'd love to hear.

Want to eavesdrop on a few more change conversations? My book Conversations of Change has several interviews with change leaders and change agents! 


Employee engagement during change


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